This years CWU conference in Bournemouth was a great success. Lots of Motions were moved by all the T&FS branches. The Great Western branch submitted a total of 6 motions for conference. We managed to get 4 of our 6 motions carried or accepted which was a fantastic result and something our Branch should be extremely proud of.


There were many other great motions by the other branches and we used our Branches voting power to help support all those that would best benefit our members.  Sometimes there were motions that were similar to others so we would vote against motions to vote for others that were worded differently and were deemed more suitable to deal with that particular issue.


Below we have separated and detailed each of our Branches motions and their outcomes first. We have then included all the motions from the other branches, their outcomes and how our branch voted. We have excluded any motions that were rescinded by their branches and not moved or alternatively failed due to other motions passing and them being cancelled.

Motion 5.

This conference instructs the T&FS Executive to work with BT Group to produce a contract that clearly states the responsibilities and liabilities for both the employee and the employer when parking a company vehicle at home either on an employee’s property or adjacent to it.

The contract should state clearly the responsibilities and liabilities concerning Electric Charging Points installed on an employee’s property and who is responsible for third party damage or loss resulting from a malfunction of the equipment or vehicle.

Additionally, the T&FS Executive will engage with BT Group to define who is responsible for an increase in Buildings and or Contents insurance when an EV point is installed.


Great Western

                  Outcome: Carried unanimously


Motion 13.

Conference acknowledges the prevalent underrepresentation of women in the broadband engineering sector and recognises the distinct and unique challenges they confront.


In alignment with our trade union movement, steadfast in our battle against sexism, we affirm our unwavering commitment in supporting female engineers.


This motion urges advocacy in recruitment, collaborative engagement with employers to establish inclusive environments/ the initiation of mentorship programs/provision of resources for combating biases and sexism/routine policy reviews to ensure employers establish and promote family-friendly policies that enable a better work-life balance and eliminate barriers that disproportionately affect women.


Through this motion, we pledge to empower and champion the success of female engineers in the broadband industry, therefore Conference instructs the T&FS Executive to proactively address this motion.


Great Western

                  Outcome: Carried unanimously

Motion 20.

This conference is concerned by the use of EmPower HR by BT Group and its involvement in the processes of Attendance and Disciplinary hearings. Therefore, the Conference instructs the T&FS Executive to undertake the following actions:

1.        Investigate and challenge the use of Decision Trees by BT Management and EmPower HR to give outcomes.


2.        Investigate and challenge the practice by EmPower HR to provide triggers for Attendance meetings.


3.        Investigate and challenge the use by managers of EmPower HR letter templates.


4.        Investigate and challenge what personal information is being shared by BT Group with EmPower HR.

5.        Negotiate to change the process documentation so that it reflects the outcomes of the instructions 1-4, to show EMPower HR‘s involvement in the Discipline and Attendance process and ensure that the process includes the statement ‘all outcomes are at the discretion of the hearing manager’.


Great Western

                  Outcome: Carried unanimously





Motion 22.

This conference instructs the T&TFS Executive to persuade BT Group to give at least 24 hours notice of a fact-find interview and at the same time disclose the subject matter of the meeting and advise that a union representative will be able to accompany the interviewee.

Great Western

                  Outcome: Not Carried – Narrow loss




Motion 32.

This conference instructs the T&TFS Executive to negotiate with BT Group so that the 10% Bonus element of pay, which is included in the 20/20 contracts of employment is consolidated and is pensionable so that the opportunity to link the bonus payment to performance indicators, attendance records or other measures is removed.

Great Western

 Accepted – No vote was required due to being accepted by the Executive.




Motion 34.

This conference instructs the T&FS Executive to work with BT Group to provide a Share Save scheme for employees. A Share Save scheme was removed by Philip Jansen during his tenure and although £500 of shares were allocated to each employee as compensation it did not represent the value of the loss of benefit to the employee.

Share Save schemes are highly motivational, help to retain talent and contribute to a collective involvement in wealth creation and therefore should be re- introduced as part of the benefit package offered to employees.


Great Western

                  Outcome: Not Carried – Narrow loss





1      CATEGORY A: Conference understands that BT need to modernise and whilst we may not agree with how they are doing it under the Better Workplace Programme we believe that can and should look for opportunities to improve work life balance for staff. Many staff now face longer commutes to the office for example. Alongside this there is an increase in carbon footprint.


We believe that the time to reset and get a better work life balance is now. Therefore, conference instructs the TFSE to


1.    Agree a reduction in the number of working hours with zero loss of pay

2.    More home working

3.    Pay above market rates

4.    Better benefits to staff than currently available

5.    Increase in number of days annual leave.


This list is by no means exhaustive.

Lincolnshire and South Yorks


                        Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted for



2      CATEGORY A: Conference, Its 10 years since the introduction of Workforce 2020 contracts for new team member grades within BT group. The agreement was well debated with branches prior to the final agreement being reached and branches will be aware of the reasons the decision was taken.

However, 10 years on we need to start making improvements on the T&Cs of our WF2020 members and in particular the 37.5 hours worked for full time employees. Further we now have members on EE contracts who are also working 37.5 hours per week.

The new attendance portfolio in Voice Services brought home the reality of the increased hours our WF2020 members must work.


Conference at a time where there are campaigns for employees to work a 4- day week with no loss of pay we need to start fighting for the reduction in the working week for our WF2020 contract members and EE contract members.

Conference instructs the T&FSE to negotiate a reduction in the working week for all full-time workforce 2020 contracts and full-time EE contract members within BT Group, with the aim to see full time WF2020 and EE contracts eventually reduced to the same as Newgrid full time 36-hour contracts.


Scotland No.1


                        Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted for



3      CATEGORY A: Too many BT members are facing financial issues on post 2014 contracts when undergoing surgery. Whilst the option to extend full sick pay exists, this is often enacted only for only the most serious cases when the member was aware they could request it. Often these absences are also included in absence hearings.


Conference instructs the TFSE to seek improvement in the process / policy with the aim to ensure that surgery is presumed to be fully paid and ringfenced from inclusion in absence hearings.

South Wales


                        Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted for









4      CATEGORY A: This conference expresses concern that the expanding work areas are leading to a continuous increase in Personal Travel Time, which adversely affects our members. We advocate for negotiations with Openreach to establish a maximum Personal Travel Time of up to 45 minutes. However, this does not imply that 45 minutes automatically becomes the standard PTT.

The TFSE is instructed to promptly engage in discussions with BT/ Openreach to reach an agreement on a maximum Personal Travel Time which can be no more than 45 minutes. Failure to reach an agreement on this matter by September 2024 will prompt a vigorous campaign to attain this objective.


South London, Surrey and North Hampshire


                        Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted against (due to wording and 45mins too long)




6      CATEGORY A: Conference notes that the requirement to have a Full Driving Licence in order to be employed in most Field Engineering roles by BT Group, has an unintentionally discriminatory effect on the application process. Any potential recruits from a disadvantaged background are at an increased chance of not having a Full Driving Licence and thus disqualifying them from employment with the company and the opportunities that entails.


The T&FSE is instructed to negotiate with BT Group to develop an application process that would enable otherwise perfectly suitable & employable recruits, without a Full Driving Licence, to gain employment with the company whilst learning how to drive as part of their training/apprenticeship.

Greater Mersey Amal


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for




8      CATEGORY A: Conference notes a key part of the CMI Campaign evolved into the Future of Work agreement which remains in negotiations. Conference is alarmed at the protracted timeline with no definitive outcome for members, many who currently work with inferior terms and conditions which remain unagreed.

Conference is deeply frustrated with the continued delays on this item and believes this item must be given the priority it deserves to restore members confidence in the CWU.

Conference instructs the TFSE to provide within 2 months of the close of the conference, a comprehensive overview of the Framework along with defined proposals and timeline to enable branches to engage with members to deliver a fairer future for all.

Edinburgh, Dundee and Borders


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for





9      CATEGORY A: Conference instructs the T&FS Executive to negotiate with BT Group about the possibility to recognise and reward financially Openreach Civils Engineers who have taken on the extra skill to become Digger Drivers, which is used to dig tracks for laying ducts. Not all Civils Engineers have these skills, but this work is vital to the Civils role, and it involves taking on extra responsibilities.

Midland No.1


            Motion: Not carried             Branch: Voted against (due to wording, limiting to one skill)




Currently we have a BT Facilities Agreement covering our Openreach members and members who were BT prior to November 2022.

In November 2022 Business employees became BT and Consumer employees became EE.


Conference instructs the T&FSE to negotiate a combined BT Group Facilities agreement including EE Consumer members who commenced employment since November 2022 and EE members prior to this date.

Tyne and Wear Clerical


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for



11  CATEGORY A: Conference understands that BT are transforming for the future and are undertaking a site rationalisation review under the BWP (Better Workplace Project) which ensures the estate is fit for purpose.


Conference is alarmed that 2024 started with several announcements of building closures in Greenock, Nottingham and Liverpool alongside uncertainty placed on sites such as Enniskillen. These changes follow hot on the heels of other major announcements such as closing the Alness site despite fierce political and CWU campaigning.



Conference instructs the TF&E, as matter of urgency, to produce a brief for Branches as a comprehensive BWP update. This should include a detailed overview of the BT Estate that defines terminology used for site classifications as key locations, hubs, or badged to particular BT Group business unit. This will enable Branches to review at future Branch and Regional meetings to collaborate and feedback member concerns and organize against the detrimental impact on job security. campaigns / member updated.

Conference further instructs the TFSE to include a review of the existing fragmented communications utilised to date for BWP announcements to equip Branches for providing essential support and guidance at such a challenging time.

Edinburgh, Dundee and Borders

Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted for






12  CATEGORY A: In light of the recent dramatization of the plight of sub post masters (Mr Bates vs The Post Office), who were wrongfully accused, dismissed and, in many cases, wrongfully convicted and imprisoned, based on data provided by faulty computer software and systems, installed and adopted by the post office, and who were subsequently found to have participated in a cover up even once the truth was discovered by the senior management.

A lack of preparedness to tackle the systems of data collection and subsequent collation appears to have led to a breakdown in another unions ability to support and defend its members, who demonstrably offered little or no support either by choice or inability. We simply cannot make the same mistakes as this technology is being introduced whether we like it or not


Therefore we note that, with the inevitable and proposed introduction and acceleration in the use of many types of Smart Software Systems and the introduction of AI in the majority of Businesses In BT group it’s time to investigate and Establish a specialist point of contact within the T&FS in order to give our members access to specialists in Telecoms and systems AI thus giving us the ability to challenge any company software derived data used against members should a branch or member require this type of specialist knowledge and assistance.


Therefore we instruct the T&FS to move forward in developing this structure of support for Members and Branchs with Specialists in the field of AI and smart technology in all lines of Telecoms Business with a report back to Branchs ASAP on where help and support can be attained.

South East Central


                        Motion: Not Carried             Branch: Voted against





14  CATEGORY A:  COMPOSITE MOTION                          If Carried 15 Falls

Conference notes recent comments by senior Openreach management that inward facing cameras could be fitted to Openreach vehicles. Members are rightly concerned about the potential invasion of privacy with the over use of workplace surveillance given managements previous misuse of technology in the past.


Conference instructs the T&FSE to oppose any introduction of inward facing visual and audio devices in vehicle cabs, including fighting any attempt to introduce these devices up to and including balloting relevant members for industrial action.

Northern Ireland Telecom

South Wales


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for





Conference notes the success of the Gatekeeping process utilised in Openreach SD (Service Delivery) Scotland, for GPS data gathering when dealing with Discipline cases. The Gatekeeping process for gathering ILM GPS Location data in SD on engineers is as follows:


       Manager has reason to believe that an engineer has been away from his correct location, through a site visit, fact-finding, conversation, Duty of Care, EOD COM/SOD sign on process etc.

       Manager speaks to SEOM who does have access to ILM data as the “holder” to request data based on ‘X’ number of days/hours/dates needed to check location data.

       SEOM then decides if there is a case to be made and contacts CWU Openreach RC (Regional Coordinator) for that region to discuss.

       CWU Openreach RC will need to understand if there is rationale for the data to be provided

       Provision of the data is either agreed or not between the CWU RC and SEOM and it is then provided to the Patch Manager to investigate using the AGREED dates/times/days only.

It is evident that ambiguity and uncertainty shroud the methods employed for GPS data collection. Furthermore, it is imperative to bolster safeguards for our members regarding GPS data collection in potential discipline cases. This encompasses all scenarios where individual managers can selectively amass sufficient data to facilitate disciplinary measures against an employee, whether relating to for example, GPS location data or vehicle data.

We instruct the T&FSE to work with Openreach which includes Openreach Northern Ireland to create a standardised framework for accessing this type of data, following the blueprint of the Gatekeeping process (for ILM data usage) implemented in Openreach SD Scotland (above) nationally across all LOBs and work streams within Openreach. We propose to extending and creating a structured approach wherein managers, Senior management, and CWU Openreach Regional Coordinators collaborate to request and access GPS and all location data, as well as determine its necessity in potential discipline cases, based on specific criteria.


This proactive approach in Scotland has been effective in addressing issues related to engineer location discrepancies and ensures transparency and consistency, safeguarding against abuses and promoting trust and accountability in the handling of location data for investigative, disciplinary and performance purposes.

TFS Executive South London, Surrey and North Hampshire



                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for




17  CATEGORY A:                                                                          If Carried 18 Falls

Conference agrees that the poor state of BT buildings is a serious issue and unacceptable. Whilst ‘flag ship’ buildings are maintained and cleaned to an acceptable standard the same cannot be said for most other buildings. Welfare rooms and toilets are not cleaned on a regular enough basis. Furniture is not repaired nor replaced, requiring our members, working in the field, to use dirty, unpleasant and sometimes unhealthy and unsafe facilities or find alternatives, to eat, use the toilet and wash.

The T&FSE is instructed to raise this as a matter of urgency with the appropriate lines of business in BT Group to secure improvements.


West Yorkshire


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for





19  CATEGORY A: Conference supports the aim of BT Group and Openreach to create a more diverse workforce but agrees that female field engineers have to endure sub standard conditions and very poor facilities in the workplace. From poor fitting corporate clothing and safety equipment to a lack of adequate toilet facilities in BT / Openreach buildings these factors create an environment that effectively deters women from applying to become engineers.


Conference therefore instructs the T&FS Executive to urgently conduct a survey of female engineer CWU members to canvas their views and use the results of the survey to engage with BT Group to improve conditions for female engineers.

Edinburgh, Dundee and Borders


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for






Conference notes that the necessary adoption of online meeting platforms during the Covid pandemic allowed the continuation of business across all sectors and supported the UK economy during an unprecedented period.

The CWU and BT Group companies continue to use this technology for business purposes and conference agrees that an appropriate mix of online and face to face meetings will probably become the norm for us all.

However, there have been numerous instances of managers conducting formal procedure meetings (Attendance, Discipline, IC meetings etc) including appeals, via Teams, for their own convenience. Conference agrees that the decision on whether a formal meeting should be held virtually or in person should rest with the individual member, especially where this could result in dismissal. The meeting should also be held in a suitable venue close to where the member lives or works.



The T&FSE is instructed accordingly.

Edinburgh, Dundee and Borders

Greater London Combined

Motion: Carried unanimously      Branch: Voted for




22  CATEGORY A: Conference is concerned that there is a wide variance in the quality and standard of paperwork provided to our members working within BT Consumer when it comes to disciplinary hearings. Often managers say that the gave a document to a member 12 months ago and should still have it. Ignoring the fact that the company policy states that all paperwork should be provided. This often leads to meetings being delayed or rescheduled often causing further stress and anxiety for our members.


Conference instructs the TFSE to ensure that standards are adhered to by BT management and all paperwork provided to the individual including the option for digital provision of paperwork.

Lincolnshire and South Yorks


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for




23  CATEGORY A: Conference notes the continued issue in BT Group of managers not including the full pack of evidence in sick cases and recent issues of packs being rights protected preventing union reps or dismissed employees from accessing the case papers / evidence.

The TFSE is instructed to reach agreement with BT Group to ensure all paperwork / evidence is provided in a format easily accessible (without the need for prior authorisation from a BT manager or holding a BT run Microsoft account) as standard in all hearings / cases where a warning / dismissal / sanction is a possible outcome.

South Wales


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for




24  CATEGORY A:              Conference agrees that the BT Sick Absence procedure could be improved.

At the opening of the meeting the manager/team leader reads this statement "My decision will be based on the impact absence levels are having on the business rather than your inability to attend work due to ill health." Which then completely negates the whole purpose of the meeting and discussing the barrier to attending work therefore Conference believes it should be removed.


Additionally, currently, when a warning is implemented for sick absence the outcome letter confirms the right to appeal as follows:


“You do have the right to appeal against any part of this outcome. If you decide to do that, you need to put your grounds of appeal in writing to me within seven calendar days. Your appeal should say what it is about the outcome that you disagree with and why. An appeal manager will then be appointed and you’ll have the opportunity to meet with them.”

The Attendance Procedure confirms that the outcome letter “must also include details of who they should address the appeal to” but does not include a suggestion that the appeal should be returned to the decision maker.

Conference believes that having to confirm the intention to appeal and the reasons for the appeal to the decision manager, rather than the next level of manager, discourages employees from going ahead with an appeal even when they believe it should be pursued.

The T&FSE is instructed to seek the improvements detailed within this motion.


Tyne and Wear Clerical


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for




25  CATEGORY A: If carried 27 Falls


The BT Speak Up process can be abused my employees trying to get their work colleagues into trouble with the company, this malicious behavior goes unchecked and without any retribution because it is an anonymous process. However this process can lead to innocent team members being subject to unnecessary stress and time off work, which ultimately is a cost to the company.

Conference instructs the T&FS Executive to negotiate with BT Group, a review of the speak up process, and to deem if it is necessary for the speak-up process to be used when it comes to reporting team members, because team members should be able to raise any issues or complaints with their line managers, this is a tried and tested process which does not allow any complaints brought in bad faith.


Midland No.1


                        Motion: Not Carried            Branch: Voted Against




26  CATEGORY A: Conference is concerned by the increasing numbers of members facing investigations as a result of BT Speak Up.


Whilst we understand and agree that there needs to be this service we are increasingly concerned that it is easy for vexatious complaints to be made this way resulting in members facing disciplines without knowing who the complaint is from, no way to ask counter questions or for further questions to be asked as there would be in a normal grievance process.

In some cases, members have found themselves in a fact finding meeting where the complaint fails to provide any supporting evidence such as a time or date of an alleged incident. Members often find themselves thrust into a very difficult situation where they can not defend themselves without specifics of who the allegation is from and what exactly has been said/done and leading to disciplinary cases causing undue distress to the member.


Conference instructs the TFSE to


Ensure a minimum standard of information before a fact finding can take place

Lincolnshire and South Yorks


                        Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted for






27  CATEGORY A: It had been reported by branches that members have been left without part of their wages due to managers not marking members back from sick who were on zero sick pay. This has had a significant impact in EE sites but also impacted Ex BT sites.

In February, the National Officer confirmed that the company had drafted a new process and it has been included in the Manager Guide.


Conference recognises the work the CWU has done to challenge the issue but this new process is simply a workaround and it does nothing to address the underlying problem.


Conference instructs the T&FSE to ensure that the issue is resolved.

Tyne and Wear Clerical


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for





29 CATEGORY A: Conference is concerned with the differences between EE/former BT contracts, specifically the phased return to work pay. The current policy states:-


If you’re still in receipt of CSP at the end of your absence period, you’ll be paid your normal basic pay plus any bonus or commission you may earn that’s associated with your role, until your CSP runs out. Any such pay in relation to unworked hours during a phased return to work is discretionary and will be deducted from your CSP entitlement.

If you’re no longer in receipt of CSP before your return you’ll be paid a pro rated salary in line with the hours you’re working. This will include any bonus or commission you may earn during the hours you work.


Currently, this fails to offer support to members that need time to readjust after long term sick and allow them to stay back in work.


Conference instructs the T&FSE to negotiate with EE to align their phased RTW with the BT Group policy and eradicate reduced pay during this time.


Scotland No.1


                  Motion: Carried       Branch: Voted for





30 CATEGORY A: Conference is concerned with the business approach being applied towards our EE contracted members wishing to pursue career development which is less favourable in comparison to BT or Ex-BT contract staff.

BT or ex-BT contract staff can attract cover payments in recognition of additional responsibility and workload, including a daily rate for periods of a week or more.

EE contract members are treated completely different, restricted to only being able to claim cover payments if their period of cover lasts longer than 3 months, when they can then claim up to 10% of their annual salary.

When questioning this, they are often greeted with Dickensian responses from management such as, ‘this is a development opportunity which you should be grateful for’!

This refusal to fairly recognise, reward and incentivise staff for their efforts also has the potential to disadvantage BT or Ex-BT contracted staff as the business opts to deny them career progression opportunities in favour of EE contract staff on a cost basis.

Conference instructs the T&FSE to enter into negotiations with BT Group to harmonise reward and recognition for development and career progression activities. This must be achieved without any detriment to existing BT or Ex-BT contract opportunity or reward.



                  Motion: Carried       Branch: Voted for





33  CATEGORY A: The TFSE is instructed to negotiate with BT Group, an increase to the London weighting allowance.


The increase being the essential part of this motion, we would ask that, as part of the negotiations the TFSE should take into account the two following points


a)    it would be preferable to have a formula, so that the allowance increases in line with all other allowances.

b)    any members that volunteer to take an alternative role, due to their work area being part of a voluntary release exercise or better workplace program, should receive the two-year payment should they move to a role outside of their current London weighting area.

Greater London Combined


                        Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted for





35  CATEGORY A:  If Carried 36, 37, 40, 41 and 43 Fall

This conference agrees there is a clear need to demonstrate CWU total opposition to compulsory redundancies within BT group companies to our members and BT group senior management and instructs the T&FS Executive to communicate this message as soon as possible.

Conference also notes Openreach’s intention to commence redundancy consultation reported in T&FS Openreach Members’ bulletin Issue 15/2024 dated 15 February 2024. In the bulletin the CWU Openreach National Team express disappointment at Openreach’s decision, and believe that Openreach did not have to commence redundancy consultation, but do not explicitly and clearly communicate to our members CWU opposition to compulsory redundancies.


This conference instructs the TFSE to:


       Work with the management of all BT Group companies’ in identifying work for those at threat of redundancy, within and throughout the BT Group.


       Work with BT Group companies’ management to identify and jointly assess all work that is currently outsourced, with a view to bring it back “in-house”.


       Investigate whether the work can be made available as redeployment opportunities, and reliance on third party contractors is reduced wherever possible to maximise redeployment opportunities now, and in the future for all BT group employees.

       Regular reports on the progress of identifying work in BT group companies, outsourced work, and third party contractor work in BT will be provided to CWU Branches with members employed by BT group companies.


Should BT Group not cooperate with the CWU on the actions listed or if the actions, when completed still result in any CWU member employed by a BT group company being served with notice of compulsory redundancy. The TFSE will immediately begin a campaign to oppose by all means up to and including industrial action.


South London, Surrey and North Hampshire


                        Motion: Not Carried    Branch: Voted against (another motion was more suitable)




36  CATEGORY A:  If Carried 43 Falls

Conference condemns the recent use of compulsory redundancies in Openreach in dealing with the cessation of the frames role. Conference instructs the TFSE to make preparations to oppose future compulsory redundancies in Openreach using all means possible up to and including industrial action.

South Wales


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for





37  CATEGORY A:                                                    If Carried 39, 40 and 41 Falls

Conference understands that BT operates in a challenging market and the business case to transform for a sustainable future. While Conference encourages the continuation of positive engagement to enable an effective voice for our members that maintain the BT Group brands as market leading, there are serious concerns on the approach for delivering a “leaner” company. Notably, BT announced long term plans to cut 55,000 jobs by 2030 which are expected to flow from the completion of the Fibre network build, the introduction of AI, a lower resource to maintain the “new” network and restructuring. The impact on the human element is clear as the drive for cost efficiencies overshadows the value placed on those who provide the strength that underpins the company’s success.

Conferences reminds the TFSE of the objectives within the Count Me In campaign:


1)                     Redundancy Policies and Processes

2)                     Strategic Resourcing / Re-Skilling & Redeployment

3)                     Job Evaluations

4)                     Better Workplace Programme

5)                     Terms & Conditions

6)                     Structure

Conference applauds the hard work moving these complex issues forward. However, concerns are building over the speed and visibility as members currently face difficult choices under the Re-Organisation polices which are ceasing or moving their roles across, and out of, the UK today.


Therefore, the TSFE is instructed to focus on reinvigorating “Strategic Resourcing

/ Re-Skilling & Redeployment” by engaging with BT to challenge the use of offshoring and educate members on areas of growth within the business, along with available resources, to aid long-term employment. Engagement with Branches is encouraged to facilitate an understanding of the different approaches across BT Group and generating alternative options for managing surplus resource with longer term plans as opposed to placing members “at risk” with minimum notice periods.

Edinburgh, Dundee and Borders


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for






38   CATEGORY A: Conference notes the recent announcement by EE ‘Operation Blue Fin’ concerning the EE (former BT) Enniskillen site in which workers were offered a voluntary paid leavers scheme as well as confirming they no longer consider this a strategic site.

This in effect puts pressure on workers to sign up to, in effect, their own site closure with only a few weeks’ notice. Conference, this an absolute disgrace and the time frame could not be considered anyway reasonable in the circumstances and will prohibit the union from meaningfully consulting and advising our members.


Conference is aware that the loss of over 300 jobs in an area of Northern Ireland starved of similar employment opportunities will have a devastating impact on the local economy, the greater Fermanagh community and hundreds of our members & their families.


Conference instructs the T&FSE to:


- continue the Save our Site campaign to lobby local politicians (councillors, MLA’s and MP’s from all parties representatives) to oppose the closure of the site, and continue to meet with BT Group representatives at all levels to fight the closure of the site, and brief the local branch and members with regular updates

Northern Ireland Telecom


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for






44  CATEGORY A: Conference with more Voluntary Paid Leaver packages being offered on what seems like a weekly basis by BT/Openreach it is concerning that our members have to make a life changing decision with no cooling off period.


After pressing that button to accept the leavers package it can be a couple of days before reality of that decision hits home and that member really doesn’t want to leave.


Conference therefore instructs the T&FSE to negotiate a 14-day cooling off period. This is to be negotiated as soon as possible due to the increase in the amount of Voluntary Paid Leaver packages we are seeing being offered.

North East


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for






45  CATEGORY A: Mental health affects everybody, every single day. However, very few companies actually have a mental health policy.

We want to raise mental health awareness and combat the stigmas associated with these conditions and when partnered to existing


T&FSE are instructed to negotiate with BT Group a mental health policy which will benefit all members. As part of the policy there will be a joint annual awareness event.

Scotland No.1


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for






47  CATEGORY A: Conference notes that Mental Health and wellbeing in our country is at an all-time low at this moment in time, and this is clearly evident amongst our members, and when our members seek support what they get is limited and inadequate from the partners that BT group use.

There are a wide range of treatments counsellors and therapists can use, however the treatments that are available to our members are limited not just in terms of approach but in terms of length/number of sessions.


Conference instructs the TFSE to work directly with the company to increase the level of support they offer through both EAP and Vita Health Group, as the current level is failing in supporting our members to full capacity.


Lincolnshire and South Yorks

                        Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted for




48  CATEGORY A: Many members with caring responsibilities be that elderly parents, a partner with caring need or children that are neurodiverse.


A Carer’s Passport is a record that ensures a carer is recognised and supported as part of the day-to-day life of an organisation.

The TFSE is instructed to launch an awareness guide for members of BT Group so that more people are aware of how to request a passport and receive the support they need.

South Wales


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for



49  CATEGORY A:  If Carried 50 and 51 Falls

Conference recognises the value members place on being able to work from home under the BT Group, ‘3 Together, 2 Wherever’ approach to smart working.


Members appreciate the opportunity (where it exists), especially in a contact centre environment, to work in the comfort of their own homes, avoiding the usual daily rush hour challenge (including parking and travel costs) and without feeling they are being constantly ‘watched’.

Members are frustrated however by the interpretation of the ‘3 together, 2 wherever’ principles by their local managers as an inflexible instruction rather than a guideline to balance the benefits of working from home against the positive impact of co-operative team working in the office.


When members look to exploit the opportunity to work from home in order to manage short-term issues like minor illness, for themselves or close family (especially children), short notice school closures, travel disruption through adverse weather or strike action, it is not unusual for managers to refuse any flexibility even if that results in sick absence (often as a result of the stresses of having to manage difficult temporary situations at home whilst having to travel into work). This sometimes includes threats of disciplinary action should members not come into the office, irrespective of the reason behind the request.

The apparent inability to apply a common-sense approach to home and office working is counter-productive, damaging loyalty and the perception of the business as a supportive employer as well as creating unnecessary sick absence.


The T&FSE are therefore instructed to enter into negotiations with BT Group to amend their smart working statement and any associated management guidance, to enable a flexible approach to managing requests for additional temporary flexibility in smart working to support members as required.


This should extend to include the right to submit a formal application for temporary adjustments to home/office working (when an initial application is declined) in order to secure a written response citing reason for the rejecting the application.



                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for


52  CATEGORY A: Conference agrees that the use of Flex in Openreach under the auspices of the Service Delivery Transformation agreement delivers very few benefits for our members and is really a tool for management to force engineers to flex the end of the working day in line with business needs.

Conference therefore instructs the T&FS Executive to enter into negotiations with Openreach with a view to a new Flex agreement that gives more control to engineers and delivers the ability for our members to take meaningful time off according to their own needs and in the interests of a proper work / life balance.


Edinburgh, Dundee and Borders


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for




53  CATEGORY A: This conference expresses grave concern regarding the inadequate implementation of the Personal and Domestic (P&D) process, particularly within Openreach. Openreach Management's failure to utilise reasonable adjustments and the inappropriate utilisation of the P&D forum has resulted in frequent instances where minor requests are met with unreasonable demands. For example additional Saturday attendances or transitioning from shorter working week patterns to a 5-day attendance week. Furthermore, the failure of local management to process existing P&D attendance patterns promptly necessitates restarting the entire process, causing undue stress to the individuals involved.

The TFSE is hereby instructed to convene with Openreach to secure firm commitments that the P&D policy will be fully adhered to and seek assurance that in cases of managerial negligence members are not compelled to initiate the process anew.

South London, Surry and North Hampshire


                        Motion: Carried        Branch: Voted for






54  CATEGORY A: Conference notes that since the introduction of the Customer Delivery Rate (CDR) metric by Openreach on the Service Delivery (SD) side of the business, in agreement with the Openreach National Team, the use of this metric has been corrupted by rogue managers from its initially stated purpose of being a useful measure to ascertain where training and support was needed within the workforce to instead being used as a measure by which engineers find themselves targeted with bullying and harassment.

Conference further notes that this behaviour has led to the creation of a hostile and paranoid work environment not seen since the days when Performance Management was in place. To contrast this with other parts of the business, Fibre Network Delivery (FND) introduced a similar metric for use by their management team called My Potential. This was trialled with both an individual score, similar to CDR, and with a team-based score. The teams that used a team-based score have had far less issues than the teams using an individual score for each engineer.

With this in mind Conference instructs the T&FSE in conjunction with the Openreach National Team to negotiate with BT Group, specifically Openreach, with the view of changing CDR to be a team-based metric, removing the ability of managers to be able to view the individual scores of engineers and thus remove their ability to target and harass them as is currently the case.


Greater Mersey Amal


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for








56  CATEGORY A: Conference notes with a deep and growing concern the transformation of Genesys into a performance and behavioural management tool within Openreach desk.


Genesys originally designed as a system platform to replace Harrier, on the basis:


       New, improved technology which will be quicker, and easier for users to navigate, with great feedback from early testers

       Fully-supported system wrap, to ensure we can always be contactable

       User-driven change model owned by Openreach, to improve how the system operates

       Simple to on-board people to the platform and move users between queues

       Full demand visibility to make it easier to resource call queues effectively

       Single interface to manage voice, email, eChat, and text message contact

This system has now morphed into an Orwellian mechanism, closely monitoring every aspect of our members' work, including call metrics, comfort breaks, and after-call work time. This transformation raises serious issues that undermine the dignity, privacy, and treatment of our members.


Genesys, in its current form, perpetuates a surveillance culture. Constant monitoring of call metrics, including breaks and after-call work, creates an environment of distrust and anxiety among our members, who feel constantly watched and evaluated.

Members should not be subjected to such invasive scrutiny in their daily work routines, to also weaponise it to evaluate members based upon these metrics alone is inherently unfair. Members may be penalised for factors beyond their control, such as call volume fluctuations or technical issues, leading to unjust performance assessments.


We instruct the T&FSE to work with Openreach to establish clear guidelines and policies regarding monitoring and privacy on the Genesys system, ensuring that members' rights are respected and protected. To support initiatives aimed at promoting a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration within our workplace, recognising the value of members as individuals and contributors to our collective success.

TFS Executive


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for



57  CATEGORY A: This conference expresses concern over Openreach's disregard for agreements, demonstrating disrespect towards the union and its members. This disregard is especially evident in their handling of changes to members' attendance patterns, which should adhere to the clear guidelines outlined in the SDT agreement of 2010. However, senior managers are flouting these guidelines by imposing unagreed attendance patterns that deviate from the SDT agreement, including attempts to introduce seasonal working patterns (winter working) through unauthorised means.

The TFSE is directed to engage with Openreach to ensure acknowledgment of the proper process. Once this acknowledgment is secured, the documented correspondence should be shared with telecom branches to support the enforcement of the terms outlined in the SDT agreement.

South London, Surrey and North Hampshire


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for



58 CATEGORY A:  Following the changes to the provider of fleet services across BT Group, our members who drive company vehicles as part of their job role, have noticed a marked decline in service and response times for breakdowns, and other vehicle maintenance issues.

Some of our members have been left stranded for hours awaiting a breakdown response, causing unacceptable risk to their health, safety, and wellbeing. In addition, the lack of availability for general maintenance of vehicles necessitates them being driven with faults which may increase the breakdown risk.

Conference instructs the TFSE to enter into immediate discussions with BT Group to urge them to establish a vehicle maintenance service which ensures speedy breakdown response times and a significantly more robust minimum standard for the regular maintenance of vehicles.



                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for


59  CATEGORY A: Conference notes that since the introduction of Electric Vehicles (EVs) as part of BT Group’s fleet, there has been a noted lack of training or comprehensive handover process for drivers allocated EVs. Most individuals given an EV have reported they were unceremoniously handed over their keys and told to be on their way, with little to no explanation of any differences between their old vehicle and new one.

There are multiple issues that arise from this as EVs are vastly different from Diesel & Petrol vehicles in several important ways.


These include but, are not limited to:


Vehicle checks – The standard vehicle check requires drivers to check their oil and other fluid levels before starting their day, this is reflected in the Pre-Use Inspection form that is required to be filled out on the Holman’s app. Due to the lack of options for EVs, drivers with vans are required to fill out a form for a Diesel/Petrol vehicle that results in them technically failing their Pre-Use Inspection due to the lack of oil and other engine related fluids in the EV.


How the vehicle is operated – EVs have a much quicker acceleration rate, even though they are generally much heavier than their Diesel/Petrol counterparts. This presents a danger to drivers unused to an EV as the chances of an accident or the seriousness of one is greatly increased. EVs are also all automatics, which can be an awkward transitional period for someone only used to driving a manual vehicle.


Safety knowledge & procedures – EVs have a very different set of safety knowledge that is needed in order to safely operate & care for one. EVs are well known for their uncontrollable nature in the event of a fire, leading to concerns for what drivers should do if their vehicle sets alight. In the event of a Road Traffic Collision (RTC) there is the possibility of the vehicle frame becoming “Live” with current due to battery contact, this creates the risk of “Earthing” through someone if they were to attempt to exit the vehicle themselves or recover someone else. There is also only a limited lifespan of the batteries used in EVs, generally 5 years, which presents the risk of acid leaks & other failures towards the end of this lifespan, drivers are given no instruction on how they should deal with this and who to contact to in that scenario.


Infrastructure availability – The lack of charging points in large portions of the country make EV drivers much more limited in their scope of travel, which can often impact on their work. Many EV drivers are reliant on charging points in supermarket, fast food restaurant & service station car parks due to a lack of readily available charging infrastructure in the BT Group estate. Many EV drivers were given no warning of this other than word of mouth rumours from other colleagues, leading to frequent issues of breaking down out of range of a charging point while they still adjusted to the new vehicle.

Conference instructs the T&FSE to talk with BT Group with the aim of establishing a comprehensive information pack to be given to drivers of Electric Vehicles before their hand over & to be readily available for drivers that have already switched over to an EV and updating their administrative processes to cover EVs i.e. the Holman’s app. The pack should include information on how to safely conduct a proper pre-use check; give drivers knowledge of how the vehicle handles differently to a Diesel/Petrol one; what they should do in the event of an RTC or other emergency situation (such as a Personal Escape Plan) and give drivers information on available charging infrastructure & how to avoid a breakdown due to a low battery.


This list is not exhaustive.


Greater Mersey Amal


                        Motion: Carried unanimously        Branch: Voted for